
12th English 100 Marks Bihar Board | Bseb 12th English 100 Marks

12th English 100 Marks Bihar Board

Indian civilization and culture – Summary

‘indian civilization and culture’ is an essay that presents the ideas of mahatma gandhi about the indian civilization and culture.he compares the indian or the ancient civilization with the western or the modern civilization. he says that indian civilization develops morality while western civilization spreads immorality. our civilization can teach the world, therefore, we need not copy the western civilization. our ancestors advised us to maintain distance from the use of machinery because the use of machinery may paralyse our hands and feet. they suggested resisting our wants to lead a happy life. our civilisation is still alive while the other civilisation of the world died. therefore, in gandhiji’s words if we want our indian to rise and shine, we should always value the glory and dignity of our civilisation and culture. there is no match for it in this world where a mad rush for materials has deadened the mind of people.


I have a Dream – Summary

‘I have a dream’ is a speech delivered by martin luther king, jr. on the steps of the lincoln memorial in wastington dc on august 28, 1963. here, he speaks about his dream of seeing America as a developed country. He wants his country free from racial distinction between the whites and the blacks the speech brings a great change in the country. King himself establishes as one of the greatest orators of the world. in his speech he requests his audience to maintain peace and conduct their movement with dignity. He reminds the authority his promises that were made one hundred years ago. He presents the poor and bad condition of the negro slaves. they live in slums and ghettos. they are deprived of their right to vote. they are cruelly treated by the police. they have lost all hopes of life. he demands that they must be now provided with their right if America is to be a great nation.

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